“Opportunities multiply as they are seized…In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
-Sun Tzu
A quote from a book I thought I would never read, but now live by. Tasked to read Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” to grow as a creative and business woman, I thought my boss was crazy. What I now find crazier, is that I managed to navigate my career without the wisdom I gained from those pages. Since reading the book I tell myself daily to “be water.”
If you have no idea what I am referring to and now think I am the crazy one, then I recommend picking up the book and reading it yourself. In simple terms I have adopted a mission of saying yes, seizing opportunities and when there doesn’t seem to be one, making one.
A little about me.. Seattle native & busy extrovert
My approach to creative has been passed down by a mentor: Rhetoric and design work in tandem. Digging into the pathos, ethos and logos of a project takes the result from just “looking pretty”, to something both beautiful and impactful.
When it comes to photography, my philosophy is simple. Connect with the subject to being out the authenticity of the subject. One must pull from the core, pulling out genuine reactions & candid moments to get the “money shots” everyone comes to love.
I have one rule for myself: Only produce work that I am proud to put my name on. Full Stop.